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Biochemistry reagent test kit

Magnesium Test Kit(Xylidyl Blue Method)

Package Size: 40mL(R1:1×40mL)

Intended Use: Magnesium Test Kit (Xylidyl Blue Method) is intended for quantitative in vitro determination of Mg concentration in serum on photometric systems and auxiliary diagnosis for metabolic Mg disorder. Mg is one of the macroelements, which is relative to the metabolism of hormone and organism and participates in material metabolism in vivo as the significant composition of numerous enzymes. Kidney is the mainly excretion pathway of Mg. The increasing concentration of Mg used to be seen in kidney disease, hypothyroidism, multiple myeloma and severe dehydration, etc. Declining situation can be seen in fasting, emesis, hyperthyroidism and diabetic acidosis, etc.